Every little thing is gonna be all right

Does anyone know why a lot of applicants with medical issues are sent to Eastern Europe? I would almost assume it’s because they are (on the whole) more modern then a lot of the other countries in the world and that there’s easier access to medications? I’m really curious about this.

Basically this post is a shout out to all the current applicants. I have officially been an invitee since the end of October….and it feels good! But I struggled for a good six months during the application process. I had to write more essays then you can imagine; expressing that certain past medical issues (major and small) are resolved, I had to deal with the hell that is the U.S. health care system, pay a lot of money for shots, get cavaties filled and see councelors. After this was all over, I felt the biggest weight lift off my shoulders. I did the best I could do and nothing else was in my power. My  fate was in the hands of the universe (and Peace Corps headquarters haha). Basically I just wanted to say to all the current applicants, HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!! It takes a special person to serve as a volunteer in the Peace Corps and I truly believe that the extensive application process is the first of many challenges. I really think it does take a lot of dedication and patience to get through this. It’s all worth it in the end 🙂

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